
We believe in the power of partnerships and investing in initiatives to develop and scale new ventures and implement solutions to complex societal challenges. SMALLIFY partners with and designs corporate, civic, and cross-sector accelerator programs focused on (1) developing and scaling new products, services, and programs and (2) strengthening leadership teams and organizational capacity. These programs, which utilize SMALLIFY tools and methods, have launched and supported over 500 start-up ventures and their leadership teams. SMALLIFY’s action-based accelerator model incorporates the most effective practices from futures thinking, systems thinking, human-centered design, rapid innovation, and lean/agile development. We’ve worked with:

  • The REDF Accelerator to design and facilitate its 5-month long “mini MBA” program for over 200 leaders of employment social enterprises and its outreach and portfolio development program for start-up ventures throughout the U.S.

  • The Civic Accelerator to launch and scale over 100 civic ventures from across the United States through training and mentoring on entrepreneurship, business model generation, lean start-up, design thinking, systems thinking, and rapid innovation.

  • Global Silicon Valley Labs (GSVlabs) to develop and deliver its rapid innovation lab programs to its global network of entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies in the areas of big data, education technology, and digital transformation.


The REDF Accelerator, The Civic Accelerator (Acumen and Points of Light), GSVLabs, Mass Mutual R&D Lab, U.C. Berkeley Haas School of Business Executive Leadership Program, the Asia Foundation Asia Development Fellows, FUSE Corps, the Reboot Accelerator for Women, and ReGen Labs Venture Studio.